Foto von ©Sabine Alex
Press release 30.4.2024 of the Non-profit Association of the B.L.O.-Ateliers Lockkunst e.V.
Since Friday, 26.04.2024, we have been prohibited from entering our work spaces, due to the denial of use of our landlord, Deutsche Bahn. We have not yet been presented with the alleged causal construction-law-expert opinion. We were shocked to hear through the press, that DB had broken off the previously constructive contract negotiations based on flimsy grounds and ruled out an extension option from August 2024.
For us as working professionals and tenants, represented by the Lockkunst e.V. Association, this action is equivalent to immediate eviction, which catches us off guard and threatens our very existence.
Board spokesman Peter Tietz: “We feel that Deutsche Bahn’s actions are absolutely disrespectful in light of the cooperative negotiations that have taken place so far! The DB is accepting the associated end for all artistic projects and the threat to all on-site workplaces.“
Project coordinator Matthias Elfmann: “The B.L.O. Ateliers are not only a place of cultural production for almost 90 people but also a diverse event venue that is already booked well into the second half of the year. These are liabilities!”
Artist Christa Fülbier: “Since 2017, we have been running a successfully established studio scholarship for artists in exile in Berlin with Lockkunst e.V. under the title `Hier&Jetzt: Connections’, funded by the district of Lichtenberg, among others. Ten days ago, we named the new scholarship holders with a jury of several members—now without a location!”
In recent weeks, the first promising talks have been held with DB at the highest political levels—the federal and state levels. For us, DB’s approach is absolutely incomprehensible. We are now dependent on political support.
We demand from our landlord, DB InfraGO:
The immediate handover of the electricity report that is said to have led to the prohibition of use.
The opportunity to remedy the defects complained about.
The resumption of open-ended contract negotiations for a follow-up contract.
We demand from Mayor and Senator Franziska Giffey and Senator Joe Chialo:
An active mediation in the existing conflict of use with DB.
Working towards an amicable solution for the preservation of the B.L.O. Ateliers.
Inclusion in the existing Berlin workspace program, as successfully achieved in the case of the Uferhallen, for example.
The establishment of a permanent Berlin-wide round table for the interests of Berlin studios with the participation of the state level, the districts, associations and investors, modeled on the round table for real estate policy. (www.nwagtk.de)
Contact to Lockkunst e.V. Board:
Peter Tietz: 0151 68437487
Philipp Preis: 0173 7396421
For inquiries: presse@blo-ateliers.de