RaiaMOTO “Head Voz” is a narrative exploration using image generation AI and Video Game engines with original music, starring Victor Morales (video manipulation) and Miguel Toro (Music and Soundesign).
The artists will explore the topic of Mental Health and the many ways it negatively and positively manifest in our daily life. Opening the landscape of aesthetics and meaning where the surreal is a machine made space and the subject is human emotion.
For RaiaMOTO “Head Voz”, the music will influence the video generated in video game engines and live manipulated by AI. The choreography of the guest dancer Rocio Pez will be live filmed generating a number of commands that will interact (and sometimes disrupt) with the video manipulated by AI.
The project that is developed in a two weeks residency at BLO-Ateliers will be presented as a final work in progress performance.
– Doors 20:00
– Show 21:00
– DJ-Afterparty
More about RaiaMOTO: