The BLO is still alive and active, and the BLUES BUMPS series goes on! As we cannot use our indoor spaces we’ve decided to have a special outdoor event with you.
Besides our collective mobilization, the theme of this special edition will stay, we’ll get together and celebrate the memory of our beloved friend Pascal (aka Jake Blues), who sadly passed away one year ago. So come over and raise a glass for him!
Doors & photo exhibition “Stoned Years”, a collection of pictures by Pascal Böhme (aka Jake Blues Photography), taken at concerts in Berlin and around Europe between 2017 and 2019, depicting the so-called “Stoner Scene”.
The exhibition will be accompanied by the DJ-sets of:
– 47IN4 [Ambient,]
– Uriwilbury [Downtempo Psych Blues,]
From 19:30 the stage on fire with:
– JOSHBURGER [Burger-Rock, Sardinia]
– TELESONIC 9000 [Audiovisual Anomaly, Berlin]
Due to the current prohibition of using the spaces of the Kantine and the indoor electricity the event will be powered by mobile power generators. There will be no access to indoor spaces except the hallway and the restrooms. For your safety the whole electricity of the Kantine-building will be turned off and there will be only battery powered lights for the hallway and bathrooms.
Take some time to read and sign the petition to help BLO-Ateliers survive:
Presented by Lockkunst e.V. and East Side Delta