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RaiaMOTO “Head Voz” | Live Premiere

RaiaMOTO “Head Voz” is a narrative exploration using image generation AI and Video Game engines with original music, starring Victor Morales (video manipulation) and Miguel Toro (Music and Soundesign).   …

Monday Kitchen

  The community of Ukrainian crew Monday Kitchen is gathering in our Kantine on Dec 22nd!   Come and party according to the best traditions: Ukrainian food, drinks and experimental …

Claire Disasters Ep. 5 “Veve°Juju”

Claire loves voodoo dolls and acid repetitions

-voodoo dolls and acid repetitions-

All her voodoo dolls are dancing under acid repetitions

-and melt with acid, repetitions-

All the dolls are breathing.

Claire Disasters Ep. 4 “Candy Fiction”

It is with great pleasure that Claire is inviting you to her Silvester Party.

It will take place at Blo Ateliers from 22:00 pm.

Super artists and lovely people will be there.

Leave at home your fireworks. Bring your colored butterflies.

Claire Disasters Ep. 2 “Hang Tigh!”

Claire is glad to invite you to her extravagant Masquerade Ball.

It will take place on the 23rd September in 
an enchanting place hidden among the trees: Blo Ateliers.

It will host the magical old tales world recreated from unusual perspectives.

Claire goes to the sea!

#Detronique // #VIKI // #Freddie Merkur // #AL3Dj // #Daniel Staccato

Samstag 10.06.2017 ab 19:00 Uhr

Sylvester Party 2016

Auch dieses Jahr feiern wir in den Blo-Ateliers den Beginn eines neuen Kalenderjahres!

Am 31.12.2016 ab 22.00 Uhr.

Lange Nacht der Bilder 2016

Die Lange Nacht der Bilder am 16. September 2016 von 18:00 – 24:00 Uhr in den Blo-Ateliers. Dieses Mal mit einem unglaublichen Aufgebot an ansässigen und Gast-Künstler_innen. Save the Date für diese besondere Nacht!